BFGS aims to raise up an army of athletes with the heart of Christ. Our training program is designed to enhance and maximize the potential of all of our clientele, help them perform at a high level through detailed, vigorous and unique training methods.
A huge part of our training program is to develop and build men and women with strong moral characters, through our discipleship formation, each athlete will discover they’re calling and live a life of purpose.
The goal is to build a community of people who will make a difference among those around them through their character. People who will do good despite the evil that surrounds them, who will walk in love and integrity and who are resilient in face of life’s trials.

Serge Kongolo KHAYIPANGI
Is a basketball teacher and a personal trainer, who specializes in a corrective exercise and performance enhancement.
Serge a grandi à Montréal, au Québec, puis a déménagé à Guelph, en Ontario, où il a joué au basketball pour les Spartans de Centennial. Il a ensuite joué pendant 2 ans au Keyano College en Alberta et a ensuite été transféré pour jouer pour les Gaiters de l’Université Bishop’s à Lennoxville, au Québec.
Since 2014, Serge has been actively training clients and players of all ages and levels, starting from as young as 3 years old. He also has experience in coaching, having coached high school and elementary school teams. He has worked for the YMCA as a personal trainer, the west end cavendish athletic club and Fit Club 24 as a bootcamp instructor and at the University of Montreal physical education and sports center as a specialist in basketball.. He has also worked with numerous community organizations such as Vision des Jeunes, Association Sportive du Centre Sud, Carrefour 6 à 12, CCEB and Clinique JAP from Centre Hospitalier de L’Université de Montréal, with whom he had the privilege to train youths’ young adults who are suffering from psychosis.
Serge est passionné par le basket-ball et tout ce qui va dans le sens d’un mode de vie sain. Il se réjouit de faire ressortir le meilleur de chaque client, sans sauter d’étapes tout au long du processus, tout en établissant des relations qui vont au-delà de la formation. Il travaille sur l’estime de soi de ses joueurs pour ressortir leur plein potentiel.
Il tient sa famille en haute estime. Il est le mari de sa femme, Analyn Khayipangi, et le fier père de trois beaux enfants, Aliyah Faith, Nazareth Caleb et Alesha Hephzibah Grace Khayipangi.
Manager, administration
Analyn Khayipangi est la directrice de Be Fit and Get Saved. Épouse dévouée et mère de trois beaux enfants. Analyn gère les activités quotidiennes de Be Fit And Get Saved. Elle est également la créatrice du contenu de toutes les plateformes de médias sociaux de BFGS.

“For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. ”
1 Timothy 4:8